Saturday, October 25, 2014

1st Week Post-Op

Coming home was the start of the full recovery process, and I couldn't be more excited to get through this phase and move on to feeling a bit more "normal".
The first two days home were okay, still dealing with a lot of gas pains so I went on frequent walks throughout the day with my dad. I also brought home from Mexico, sorry for the possible TMI, was this awful diarrhea! It was VERY unpredictable and annoying to say the least. It was Wednesday, and still having gas pains WITH frequent diarrhea, my dad decided it might be a good idea to take some Imodium to stop it. I took one pill and it did what it was supposed to. Stopped the Diarrhea and stopped me from being able to release ANY gas whatsoever!
So Thursday was my worst day yet. Stopped up and in the worst pain I had felt since getting off the surgery table! Walking, talking, and just breathing hurt this day. I was miserable. I had 3 dizzy spells. 1 happened in the shower where I literally almost passed out. I jumped out of the shower as soon as I felt the dizzy sensation come over me and sat on the toilet until I felt I could walk to my bedroom across the hall. I. Felt. AWFUL. After a night of breathing pains and finally being able to pass gas throughout the night, by morning I felt much better. Not quite 100% but on my way. I dealt with residual pain and burped just about the entire day Friday. I took a late night walk around my backyard for about 15 minutes or so.. approx. 600 steps according to my pedometer and FINALLY felt better. I could take in a full deep breath without ANY pain. SUCCESS! So as a treat, I decided I would introduce something new to my body. I had a few spoonfuls of Yoplait Light Yogurt in the Red Velvet Cupcake flavor. Let me tell you... This flavor tastes like Cake batter! it is SO GOOD! It went down well and tasted SO yummy after a week of nothing but broth, water, Gatorade, and sugar free popsicles.

Now it's Saturday October 25 and I feel like myself again. My dad, who is a nurse,  took out my stitches around 4pm and according to him, they look great. I've felt the best today. I could even drive the speed limit! Which doesn't seem like a big deal, but having those gas chest pains and trying to drive.. equals me driving about 30mph. For dinner I decided to be adventurous again and introduce something else new that I haven't eaten since before surgery. Egg drop soup. This also went really well. If I got a big chunk of egg I just chew chew chewed and then swallowed. Some of the super small pieces towards the end felt like they were stuck in my throat or something. But with fluids, that feeling went away.
As for my weight. I've been a really bad scale watcher! I'm obsessed and can't help it!

So here's the breakdown:
Weight before Pre-op Diet:       262
2 days before Surgery:              255.4
3 Days Post Op (10/20/14):      253.6
5 Days Post Op (10/22/14):      250.4
6 Days Post Op (10/23/14):      249.2
7 Days Post Op (10/24/14):      246.2
8 Days Post Op (10/25/14):      244.2

Total Weight Loss:                    17.8 lbs!

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